Friday, February 8, 2008

Blog or die

So, I am trying to make sure I blog when I'm a happy girl because ultimately this blog is serving as an electronic record of my life. And good things happen to me too, though you wouldn't have guessed that by reading my Brooklyn blog. First off, there is less of me in this world. I've been chiseling away at the excess weight I put on in the last part of my life in NYC. No more bagels, no more dunkin donuts. I'm living the Cali life now, which means its all salads and yogurt for me. I'm finally starting to see some changes.

Secondly, even though I have had the project from hell which almost weekly suffers some new crisis, I'm handling it perfectly. Everything I ever needed to know about my job I learned in NYC. I worried during my time in NYC that I would be discovered as a fraud. Turns out I really do know what I'm talking about. And although I still have to fight battles daily with development teams and tech teams, its okay because I have extremely supportive managers who respect my opinion. I lead my own projects and that feels good. People look to me for answers, and it just so turns out that I have them.

And I'm not even pissed that when I had to miss a meeting today someone tried to call me out in front of everyone by "accidently" hitting Reply to all in Outlook with a message--"Please try to attend the meetings on this project :)" I mean seriously, who is falling for that shit anymore? I have never hit "Reply to all" on accident. After she sent the email, the Project Manager stepped in and said that I had sent him note saying I couldn't attend, and suddenly she sent an apology saying she wasn't trying to make me look bad. Well, what the hell else were you doing?

Life is still sailing for me. I am still without living room furniture and a TV, but thank goodness for Lost being streamed online. Still no love prospects on the horizon, and thats fine with me. I decided to just stop talking to that 40 yr old from Match, because the emails were tedious and I just thought his excuses were lame. In fact, I think after next month I'm going to expire my account on Match. I'm over it. I'll take my chances in the analog world of bars, theatres, work, and gyms. Or I won't date at all. It doesn't really matter. I'm happy as things are.


Anonymous said...

i can not believe that cunt called you out. or tired to at least. and its true, no one hits the "reply to all" on accident.

im glad you are happy with your life right now. you have worked hard to get there, so try and enjoy it as much as you can.

cherie said...

seriously. i don't know why she did that she really didn't gain anything from it. in fact when all was "sent" and done, she sorta came off looking like an asshole.

cherie said...

seriously. i don't know why she did that she really didn't gain anything from it. in fact when all was "sent" and done, she sorta came off looking like an asshole.